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When No News is Good News

Those in the security industry often say we are in the bad news business. Called in crisis situations security personnel handle matters that are complex, threatening, and sometimes have direct implications on life-safety. To keep their fingers on the pulse and reduce the impact of emergencies that inevitably arise, security directors deploy measures to monitor everything from access control systems to traveling executives to negative chatter on the deep and dark web. The constant flow of alerts is analyzed by specialized teams and acted upon according to set escalation protocols. There is no such thing as a slow news day.

But there is an outlier…a clear example of no news is good news in the security business.

When done correctly and consistently, a program to remove personal information from data reseller websites results in reports that show mininal activity. In an illustrative case, Insite began a Personal Information Removal program for an executive who initially had exposure on over 40 different websites that were selling his cell number, birthdate, home address and more. During the first year of the program, his personal information was removed from all those sites and at least six other data broker sites that Insite’s analysts monitor.

While this client’s baseline report was four pages long, by the fourth quarter report, it was one page. That is because exposures were being managed. The Insite team regularly monitors over 100 data reseller websites and immediately request and verify removal of newly posted client information. In year three of this particular client’s program, reports continue to be no news…simply demonstrating exposure of his personal information is controlled and that data resellers are being kept at bay.

Why is this important?

As generative AI continues to grow as a resource for bad actors, it is essential to proactively contain your digital footprint. At Insite, we consider our annual Personal Information Removal program the first line of defense against AI-assisted fraud and unsolicited contact. Contact us to learn more.

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