If you are an employer with offices in California, have you updated your security procedures to comply with the new legislation known as SB-553? This new law codifies requirements for a site-specific Workplace Violence Plan and security training for employees.
Insite has helped many companies upgrade their security policies and training to comply with SB-553. If your firm has offices with more than 10 employees working at any given time and the space is not accessible to the public, see some key compliance requirements below.
SB-553 Workplace Violence Plan requirements include:
Employees responsible for ownership of the plan
Procedures for identifying workplace violence hazards and means to correct them
Protocol for reporting and investigating workplace violence concerns
Process for maintaining a log of every workplace violence incident
SB-553 Training elements include:
Information about SB-553 and its mandates
Recognizing workplace violence including warning signs / red flags
How to seek assistance to prevent or respond to violence
Strategies to avoid harm
About the company’s Workplace Violence Incident Log
Insite’s Security Consulting division has helped hundreds of companies develop and implement policies and procedures that support resiliency in a crisis.
The work of Insite’s Security Training division empowers employees to become a security resource.
Contact Us if your firm needs support in these areas .